Clubs & Activities

Extra Curriculars

South Portland High School has a variety of clubs and activities for students to participate in. Here is a current listing of active clubs.

Club Name


When does the club meet?

Room number/ location?

Brief details/info shared with students to advertise?

Black Student Union

Justine Carlisle

First Monday of Every Month from 2:30-3:30 PM


Come join our vibrant community! The BSU is a space for all students to celebrate and learn about Black culture, history, and heritage. Our purpose is to bring unity, promote awareness, and create a space for open dialogue on the experiences of black issues and excellence

Chess Club / Red Riots Chess Team

Gil Doughty / David Cimato

Thursday 2:30-3:30 or later if students do not need to take the "late bus"

Room 230

Everyone is welcome in the Chess Club regardless of skill level and ability. Some players are brand new to learning the game, others are experienced players with advanced skills. There are no boys or girls divisions, we all play on the same boards. If you play competitive chess, your opponent is based on your chess rating; not your gender, size or age. There is a specific Girl's State Championship event, as well as the Maine Individual State Championship which is open to all players.

There are no "try outs" or qualifying events for the Chess Club or the Red Riots Chess Team. Anyone who wants to play can stop by Room 230 after school on Thursdays and join in. Students are welcome to bring a friend or come make a new one.

SPHS is the defending Maine state champion in the Scholastic Grand Prix of Chess League. Students who play on the SPHS competitive team will receive a FREE US Chess Federation and Maine Chess Association membership. Those players will be nationally ranked after competing in 6 USCF sanctioned matches. The 4th Annual SPHS chess tournament will be held in the school cafeteria on Saturday, November 9th, 2024.

Please email Mr Doughty or Mr. Cimato for more information and visit the following link for more about the SGP chess league and other competitions open to SPHS players.

Craft Club

Caterina, Newhouse, Bolton

After school on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month


Join Craft Club! Formerly Yarn Club, we've expanded our club to include whatever arts and crafts inspire you. We will have yarn, knitting needles, crochet hooks, looms and other craft supplies. Bring a project you're working on or come learn a new skill. All are welcome! Our Google Classroom code is mmcwyt5.

Drama Club

Chris Fitze

Sporadically throughout the year

LC or Auditorium

The Drama club exists to offer opportunities for students involving the dramatic arts. We support the Fall Play, Musical, and One Act productions. The Drama Club also takes field trips to experience theater outside of the school setting. We hold workshops on acting, playwriting and performance, and run tech for all of the productions at the High School.

French Club

Chantal Joubi

First Tuesday of every month at 7:30am

room 225

Activités: Bake Sales,Cultural Activities,Movie Nights,Games & more!
Vendas de bolos, atividades culturais, noites de cinema, jogos e muito mais! / Ventes de pâtisseries, activités culturelles, soirées cinéma, jeux et plus !

No need to know how to speak French or take French class. Everyone is welcome!
Não há necessidade de saber falar francês ou fazer aulas de francês. Todos são bem vindos!
Pas besoin de savoir parler français ou de suivre des cours de français. Tout le monde est le bienvenu!

Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

Mondays, 2:30-3:30

Room 324

Reach out to Ms. Newhouse to join the email list (

Interact Club

Anne Smith

2nd Tuesday of the month 2:30 - 3:25 PM. Other meetings are scheduled according to the club's needs and activities.

SPHS 211

Interact Club is involved with community action, building international understanding, and making new friends. Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self.


Chris Fitze

Usually weekly on Mondays or Wednesdays

Chorus Room

LEGo Club is a time for people to get together and build LEGO.

Math Team

David Cimato

Tuesday/Thursday 7:25am to 8:05am


Open to everyone and ALL math abilities. Hang out and practice selected math topics. You will be able to participate in monthly math competitions against area schools and the State Meet in April.

National Honor Society

Jaime Dorion

2nd Wednesday of every month before school

Lecture hall

Membership is extended based on academic achievement and extracurricular involvement. NHS is a philanthropic honor society.

Rise and Grind

Brianne Maloney

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Weight Room

South Portland teachers and coaches would like to welcome students to RISE AND GRIND. A group dedicated to Creating a space for female identifying students to feel empowered, supported, and comfortable trying new things and feeling comfortable exercising with their peers. Less emphasis on strength and more emphasis on feeling confident in a gym and using the equipment in a safe way. Hosted in the SPHS Fitness Center. 6:30 am to 7:30 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Locker rooms and showers will be available to students.


Sean Manning

Mondays and Thursdays, 5:30-7:00 pm


We build robots and real life skills to participate in robotics competitions throughout New England.


Darrel Whidden

Wednesday/Friday 7:30 AM

A256 (Chorus)

Scales is an acappella ensemble for all students, to perform some classic standards, and classic hits as well!

SOPO Unite

Lee Anne Dodge and Kara Tierney

Email Ms. Dodge or Kara for more information!

Spanish Club

Henry Coll

Will meet about once a month

room 351

We have a meeting on October 24th, at 2:30, to discuss our activity for the Day of the Dead.

SPHS CS Honor Society

Julie York & Gretchen Nelson

Bi-Weekly on Mondays, as well as various lab and extra activities.


The SPHS CS Honor Society chapter. A global honor society program designed to help celebrate, develop, and better understand computer science skills and opportunities. is the application for those interested. Our website being developed is:

SPHS Outing Club

Cory Snow

Once a month to plan trips, plus 1-2 adventures per month


Like to hike, bike, paddle, ski, EXPLORE? Come check out the SPHS Outing Club!

Student Voice

Carmen Caterina

Whole group meetings on early release Wednesdays from 11:50-12:30


Student Voice is a group of students dedicated to amplifying the voices of SPHS students, bridging the gap between members of our community, advocating for important changes, and planning inclusive events that promote school spirit. While the club partly made up of Class Officers and student representatives to the School Board, *all* students are welcome to join for meetings and help with initiatives. Your voice matters!

Students for Environmental Action (SEA)

Tania Ferrante

Wednesdays 7:45 AM and/or 2:30


Email Ms. Ferrante for more information!

Tabletop Gaming Club

Michael Dahn and Brian Garrity

Tuedays from 2:30-3:30


The Tabletop Gaming Club welcomes everyone interested in creating stories, adventures, and building a world all their own. Players of all experience levels are welcome!

Ultimate Frisbee Team

Nathan Hart

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays starting in mid-March

SPHS, Room 227, and Wainwright Sports Complex

We run boys and girls teams, and are happy to accept new players. There will be some introductory indoor sessions offered in the winter that are open to any students to give it a try.

Writing Club

Libby Newhouse

First and third Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30

Room 324

Reach out to Ms. Newhouse to join the email list (

Yearbook Club

Linda Edgar (assistant)

Wednesdays 2:40-3:40

326 computer lab

Be a part of making the yearbook memorable! Join us on Wednesdays!