Weekly Announcements - check back each Tuesday for updates! Updated 3/11/25

Have an announcement to share? Submit it here

Dismissal: If you are a student who is dismissed during the school day you MUST check in/ check out with a staff member in the Main Office. Thank you!

Prayer space during Ramadan: - The small conference room in the administrative office will be available for student prayer during the month of March, 7:30-2:30.  The two exceptions will be March 4th and March 7th, 12:00-2:30, when space will be available in Student Services.

Ultimate Frisbee Meeting

Ultimate Frisbee team meeting on Wednesday, March 12th in room 227 from 2:30-2:40. The season will start Monday, March 17th. Talk to Mr. Hart with questions hartna@spsdme.org

Spring Sports Informational/Sign Up Meeting

Students interested in playing a spring sport should plan on attending the informational sign up meeting for the sport you're interested in playing. Here is a schedule of spring sport meetings;

- Girls Tennis; Thursday, March 6th at 2:30 p.m. in room B105
- Boys Tennis; Thursday, March 6th at 2:30 p.m. in room 169
- Baseball; Tuesday, March 4th at 2:30 p.m. in room B105
- Girls Track; Thursday, March 13th at 2:30 p.m. in room B107
- Boys Track; Tuesday, March 18th at 2:30 p.m. in room 205

Portland Chamber Music Festival’s upcoming concerts are March 6th and 8th. We are getting very excited to host an impressive group of musicians and Grammy winner, tenor Nicholas Phan. Please spread the word that tickets are going fast and that it is not to be missed

The great thing is that student tickets are free. If any students are interested, they can reserve a ticket either by going onto our website at PCMF.org, or through Porttix’s box office or website at porttix.com, or they can get a ticket the day of the concerts.  

This event is being held at Hannaford Hall on the USM-Portland campus

88 Bedford Street, Portland.

RYLA 2025 Q & A with Students!

Interested in RYLA this coming June? Applications are due March 14. Meet up with Xavier and others who attended RYLA in the past this FRIDAY, March 7, 2:10 PM, Room 211. 

https://drive.google.com/open?id=15We9Bhdzpk4nczwssn1bKU4CcTQ-EKf-Learn about ELOs at SPHS 

Interested in exploring a passion, cause, or career while earning school credit? Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs) at SPHS offer just that! Join us for an Open House to learn more and hear directly from students about their experiences.

Location: Learning Commons
Dates & Times: Thursday, March 6 at 2:30 PM (after school) or Friday, March 7 at 2:00 PM (4 Red)

carlisju@spsdme.org for a pass. Don’t miss this chance to discover what ELOs can offer you!


Spring Fling

Save the date for Spring Fling! The Sophomore and Junior classes are hosting Spring Fling on Friday, March 7th from 7:00-9:30. Tickets will be on sale before and after school in the lobby from February 24th to March 6th. Tickets are $10 for SPHS students and $15 for guests. Students who are inviting guests can pick up guest forms in the Main Office. The theme is Spring Garden. We can't wait to see you there!

Class of 2027 - Leadership Opportunities 
Are you interested in connecting with peers from across the state, developing your leadership skills, and making a positive impact in your community? Don't miss these exciting leadership seminar opportunities happening this spring!

* Maine Youth Leadership: May 15 - May 18 at St. Joseph's College, Standish, ME
* HOBY Youth Leadership Seminar: June 13 - June 15 at UMF, Farmington, ME
* RYLA Youth Leadership Camp: June 22 - June 25 at Camp Hinds Scout Camp, Raymond, ME

Visit the Counseling Office Room B202 for more information and for seminar applications.

Class of 2027 - Maine State Board of Education Opportunity

Sophomores! Let your voice be heard! Applications are now open for the Student Member to the Maine State Board of Education.

This is an opportunity to develop leadership skills, gain experience in educational policy, develop familiarity with state laws in education, and participate in student leadership and civic engagement. Applications will be accepted through February 28, 2025. See the Counseling Office for more information.  

Job Board

If you are looking for a part time job, click here: https://padlet.com/henderkr1/job-board-g6qpxo2i8bg8gh3h. Job Board is updated regularly so check back often!

Volunteer Board

Want to volunteer and give back to our community? Check here for local options: https://padlet.com/mccloygr/sphs-volunteering-opportunities-for-students-a29a48md23e81x7l

Career Corner

Want to explore some Career events that are happening in the community? Check out this Career Corner padlet:  https://padlet.com/mccloygr/sphs-career-corner-elos-extended-learning-opportunities-3zouz5uc70vs8qys Listings are updated often, so check back often!

Join a Committee with the City of South Portland!

The City of South Portland invites students to participate in many of the Committees that support our local government and programs. Committees require students to commit to a regular meeting schedule. This is a great way to get involved with our community, and to share your thoughts and ideas on local issues. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nUGpiPDsLdELKJWH3ZcyLB4-_26Y83IT

Clubs & Extra Curricular Activities

Bowling Club

Strike Up Some Fun! Join the SPHS Bowling Team!

Ready to roll? Whether you're a seasoned bowler or just looking for a fun new way to hang with friends, our SPHS high school bowling team is the perfect place for you! We’re all about teamwork, competition, and having a blast while you improve your skills. From throwing strikes to picking up spares, you'll learn the ropes, make memories, and maybe even score a few trophies along the way. No experience? No problem! Everyone’s welcome to join—let's hit the lanes together and make some pins fall!

Contact: Dan Entwistle
Room: 245

Chess Club and Competition Team

CHESS club meetings are held every Thursday after school until 3:30 pm. Bring a friend and play for fun, or get serious about developing your game by working on strategy and analysis skills to improve your play.

SPHS is the Maine Scholastic Grand Prix Chess League Champion. Join the team and help us defend our State title! No "try outs" just sign up and play.

Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage Breakfast: $10 for Chess Club

Saturday, February 1, 2024 from 8am – 10am
Hiram Lodge No. 180
39 E Street SouthPortland, ME 04106

Computer Science Honor Society

The SPHS Computer Science Honor Society will be meeting bi-weekly on Mondays at 2:30 pm in room 250! Interested students are invited to apply here: https://bit.ly/sphscshonors

Empowering Black Women

The next meeting for Empowering Black Women will be on Thursday, January 30th! Swing by for snacks, games, and camaraderie! 

Identify as a black woman? Interested? Join our Google Classroom or talk to Ms. Bolton.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes. All are welcome!

Tuesdays before school in Room 169, 7:40 to 8:05.

French Club

French Club meetings will take place the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30am room 225.

  • March 4th

  • April 1st

  • May 6th

  • June 3rd


The GSA meets on Mondays from 2:30-3:30 in room 324. See Ms. Newhouse with questions and join our Google Classroom for more information (class code: j3by2wr)

Interact Club

Join us Wednesdays in Room 211 from 2:30-3:00 for Interact Club. We are dedicated to service learning and leadership development. If you like helping others and would like to participate in community projects, join us! (We do not meet on Early Release Days.)



LEGO Club will have its first meeting on Wednesday after school from 2:45 - 3:30 in the Chorus Room. If you like to build LEGO please come join us. You can bring a set to build or free build with our basic blocks (This is not LEGO Robotics, just hanging out building and talking LEGO.)

Math Team  - Math Team meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30am in room 208. Join the team and compete against other schools in a selected list of topics each month. At practice we will discuss and learn problem solving strategies for each topic in the upcoming meet.  Open to all students and math abilities. Topics range from arithmetic to pre-calculus.

Rise & Grind

South Portland teachers and coaches would like to welcome students to RISE AND GRIND. A group dedicated to Creating a space for female identifying students to feel empowered, supported, and comfortable trying new things and feeling comfortable exercising with their peers. Less emphasis on strength and more emphasis on feeling confident in a gym and using the equipment in a safe way. Hosted in the SPHS Fitness Center. 6:30 am to 7:30 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Locker rooms and showers will be available to students.

Robotics Team - Join us!

Team 58 is kicking off the new year with meetings on Mondays and Thursdays 5:30-7:00 PM in the shop (opposite Mr. T's room). Whether you're interested in programming, building, developing business skills or creating art... you're welcome to join us. We've got something for everyone! www.riotcrew.net

SEA meeting

.All meetings are in room 171. Email Ms. Ferrante if you have any questions or you want to be added to our Google Classroom.

SoPo Unite Meetings!!

Everyone is welcome to join SoPo Unite! We focus on youth substance youth prevention. We meet every other Tuesday in room 137 at 7:30am or 2:30pm - whichever works best for your schedule! Refreshments will be provided! Hope to see you then! 

Strength Training Program

Coach Johnson will be offering strength and agility training opportunities that are open to any student interested. Please note that there is no late bus on Friday. These sessions will take place in the weight/exercise room on.  Sessions will also be held in the gym on 2/25, 2/27, 3/4, 3/11, 3/13, 3/18 and 3/20. All sessions will run from 2:45-4:00 p.m.

Swimming Lessons- Block 2 Workshop time

This is for any student who has a Workshop during Block 2 who is new to swimming, is a beginner swimmer, or someone who wants to improve their swimming and feel more comfortable in the water. Please see Ms. Claire or Ms. Althea in the Social Work office for more info. This program is free, and we provide all the needed equipment. Classes are taught by lifeguards at the SP Community Pool next door. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K9n5iYUT_9nWCOPvBfhPVyWuLtRxSmzP

Tabletop Gaming Club

The Tabletop Gaming club meets on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-3:30 in room 325 (Mr. Garrity's room). If you've ever been interested in creating stories and making adventures with a great group of people, stop by to see what it's all about! New and experienced players are all welcome! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rBUPhYz3jr4oB35vWEKCmYPwIfhrakN0

Yearbook Club Meeting Wednesday!

We will meet Wednesdays after school in the computer lab, room 326. Please come and help make the 2025 yearbook memorable!


ONE SPOT OPEN - Food Fuels Learning Paid Internship - 3 White (Spring Semester)

Are you interested in advocacy, research, or food and nutrition? Food Fuels Learning is offering a paid internship to learn about school food programs and local food systems. Students will develop research skills and survey peers about school food programs. This program will run during Block 3 White spring semester. Students will earn elective ELO credit AND an award of $500. Please see Ms. Carlisle, carlisju@spsdme.org in Room 359 if you are interested. Deadline is Friday, 1/24.

Drop-In College Advisory

Are you a multilingual student who would like help with the college application process? JMG teacher Mr. Wallach is offering a drop-in (no appointment needed) college advisory during red/white block 3 after first lunch. Stop by and see him in room 357 for advice, help with applications and essay writing, information about scholarships, and more! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EusK05X21otNoSHoUtFfR460Sn9a-vrv

After school LAW ELO- apply today

Are you interested to learn more about the field of Law, and careers connected to law? Sign up for the LAW Group ELO, which will meet every-other-Thursday afterschool Oct-April. Each session you will go to a different law office in Portland and do hands-on, interactive activities. Students can be eligible for ELO credit, and a paid stipend for participating. See Ms. Carlisle in 359 for more info! https://drive.google.com/open?id=10s6oqleN3FtgZ05PrHVFt9XR5Qm11e-V

Maine Construction Academy - Apply here

If you are curious about working in the trades and want to be PAID, given FREE tools, earn three national certifications, visit many different job sites, and work on some building projects, apply to the Maine Construction Academy. Program starts on June 23rd and ends the last week of July (date TBD). You will have the full week of July 4th off. We meet every Monday through Friday in the SPHS Learning Commons from 8am to 2pm. If you have any questions about the program, see the flyer and/or email Abby Anderson. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l1Kbpe8EsFgqkWcbQufk6EeikjNky6Qw

Apply here or by scanning QR code on flyer: https://buildingmaine.fullfabric.cloud/login

Medical Explorers ELO- BLOCK 4 WHITE

If you are interested in a career in Health Care, this is an unique opportunity to do some hands on training at the Maine Health medical simulation lab. Once a week we will have field trips where you will get to practice your health care skills. Please see Ms. Carlisle in room 359 (or email her at carliju@spsdme.org) right away so we can get your schedule modified accordingly!


Service Academy Night

Maine's U.S. Congressional Delegation, in conjunction with Maine Maritime Academy, is hosting a SERVICE ACADEMY NIGHT on Thursday, April 10, 2025 from 6-8pm at the Bangor Hilton Garden Inn, Bangor, ME. This event is an opportunity to learn about the service academies, the Congressional nomination and academy selection processes. 


Register to attend at https://tinyurl.com/297vnz5x

SoPo Unite Tip of the Month

SoPo Unite Tip of the Month

SoPo Unite Tip of the Month

SoPo Unite Tip of the Month

SoPo Unite Tip of the Month

SoPo Unite Tip of the Month

SoPo Unite Tip of the Month