There shall be four standing committees of the Board.
Educational Policy Committee
Finance Committee
Buildings and Grounds Committee
Superintendent Support and Evaluation Committee
Annually, the Chairperson of the Board, after consulting with the Superintendent, shall appoint at least two Board members to each committee.
The standing committee shall receive and research matters referred by the Board or the administration and formulate recommendations for consideration by the full Board.
The Superintendent, ex officio, shall serve as an advisor to each of the standing committees and may appoint staff members and administrators to serve as advisory members to any of these committees.
Ad Hoc & Advisory Committees
Annually the Chairperson of the Board, after consultation with the Superintendent, shall appoint Board members to serve on special Ad Hoc Advisory Committees, which will be in operation during the school year. Once established, these committees shall report back to the Board on a regular basis.
Special Committees
With the agreement of the Board, the Chairperson may establish special committees to research specific educational issues and report back to the full Board. Such committees may advise the Board, but may not determine policy and shall be discharged upon completion of their specific assignment.
Boundaries and Configurations
The school district has formed a Buildings and Configurations Steering Committee to explore boundaries and configurations which determine which schools elementary students attend.