Pillars and Priorities
South Portland School Department, 2024-25
2024-25 District Theme: Together We Grow

Guiding Beliefs
We believe. . .
In our collective capabilities to make a difference in our students’ lives.
In our capacity to expand student potential. We reject the notion that student potential is fixed at birth or predicted by their demographic characteristics.
In ensuring that our students – especially those who are furthest from opportunity – at the forefront of our decision-making.
In fostering students’ sense of belonging through engaging, growth-focused classroom and school experiences and a welcoming environment in our district.
In placing a high priority on using our resources – especially time – with urgency and focus to foster student learning.
In utilizing evidence-based practices to shape student learning in our classrooms.
Pillar 1: Excellence in Teaching and Learning
1.1 Implement with fidelity key research-based practices and systems that support high levels of learning including:
Multi-tiered systems of support
Positive behavioral interventions and supports
1.2 Provide high-quality professional development to teachers focusing on engaging, rigorous instruction.
1.3 Support student learning by reducing chronic student absenteeism.
1.4 Ensure that students are best positioned for learning by strengthening mental and behavioral health programs and interventions.
1.5 Expand available seats in high-quality Pre-K programs through collaboration with community partners.
Pillar 2: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB)
2.1 Audit district practices to discern and address subgroup differences among the following:
Student behavior systems
Access to accelerated learning (Academically Gifted programs, honors and Advanced Placement classes, etc.)
Learning outcomes
2.2 Evaluate and improve district human resource practices related to the recruitment, hiring and retention of employees from historically underrepresented and marginalized groups.
2.3 Ensure that 100% of our employees participate in equity-focused professional development in 2024-25.
Pillar 3: Planning for an Inspiring Future
3.1 Conduct an inclusive, thorough strategic planning process in which participants are representative of the demographic characteristics of our students.
3.2 Implement with fidelity the following important plans and initiatives:
DEI&B Action Plan.
Multilingual Learner Master Plan.
Board resolutions related to the boundaries and configurations of our elementary schools.
Gather input from Brickhill families about Brown School assignment
Assess attendance zones and viable grade-level configurations under the guidance of a consultant
Gather information about magnet programs and controlled choice under the guidance of a consultant
Pillar 4: Operational Effectiveness
4.1 Conduct training in emergency standard response protocol for all staff and ongoing safety and security training for district leaders.
4.2 Create a multi-year budget and facilities plan.
4.3 Share timely and accurate information related to the three bond referendums (more secure elementary schools, improved school infrastructure, renovated stadium complex).
Strive for Five
GOAL 1: 5% fewer students will be chronically absent. (2023-24: 21%)
GOAL 2: 5% more students will meet identified learning targets.
GOAL 3: 5% more students will report high levels of engagement in their classes.