Message from Superintendent Matheney

Dear South Portland families,

As you know this is a contentious time in our nation with regard to many issues in public education. As a former high school government teacher myself, I deeply treasure democratic processes and welcome debate on public issues. That’s why I value living in a democracy and have great respect for democratic institutions (school boards being among the most important). But in the midst of current debates, I feel it’s important to restate fundamental values that have characterized our school district for many years. The school district’s leadership team collaborated on the following statement that reaffirms values that we hold deeply:

The South Portland School Department affirms our unwavering commitment to the following:

  • Our diversity enhances the education of all students.

  • Our dedication to equity ensures that all students can access the support and resources they need.

  • Our schools are inclusive and welcoming where all can learn and grow. 

We will continue to take action to

  • Interrupt and eliminate injustices that inhibit our students’ success.

  • Foster empathy and belonging for all.

This statement of commitment is supported by a number of key documents that guide our educational programs for many years. They include the following:

Maine Human Rights Act

South Portland Board Policies

We will continue to pursue our mission as a district with passion, grit, and determination to serve all students well.


Tim Matheney,  Superintendent of Schools