Message from Superintendent Matheney
Mr. Kelly Hinkle, a tall young man with a beard, shows a page of his book to a class of seated first graders.
Student-poets Cooper Dean & Sebastian Buck at the Mill Creek Tree Lighting
Two children standing outside trying to catch snowflakes with their tongues.
Seafood Tasting
Students read their spooky stories to each other and to teachers in small groups.
A group of 2nd graders stand together outside ready for a move-a-thon
Sea to School
Three jars, each labeled Hat Day, Dance Party, Bubbles with tickets inside.
Gift Application
Superintendent Matheney at the All Staff Convocation
Rising 3rd and 4th graders working on filtering water as part of the Engineering is Elementary (EiE) unit
Summer Food Program
Summer Reading
Take Action Day with United Way
Kids jumping in a sack race on a sunny spring day.
A group of children sit listen to an author read  his book.
Author Phuc Tran holds his book, Cranky, surrounded by kids and a teacher holding up their drawing of Cranky
Cover of the picture book entitled Cranky, with a picture of a grumpy looking construction crane.