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Policy BBA-R
Bylaws of the Board of Education Supplementary to Charter Provisions
Board Organizational Meeting Board Officers
A Chair and Vice Chairman shall be elected annually at the organizational meeting, which shall be held the first Monday in December. If vacancies occur in the office of Chair or Vice Chair, the vacancy shall be filled by an election within forty (40) days. The Chair shall preside over all regular, special, and executive board meetings and shall appoint special committees. The Chair shall be an ex officio member of each committee.
Board Vacancy Caused by Absenteeism
When an elected member of the Board of Education has missed three consecutive meetings without a valid excuse the Board may by majority declare that seat vacant and request that the city council elect a new member to fill the vacated seat.
Notification of Board Meetings
Public notice shall be given for all meetings of the Board of Education as outlined in the statute.
Rules of Order
Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the meetings of the Board except when in conflict with statutes or with bylaws and policies established by the Board.
As provided by the City Charter, four members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. When a quorum is present, a majority vote of not less than three votes is sufficient for the adoption of any motion, including revision of Bylaws; the Chairperson shall vote on all motions. These Bylaws make no provisions for proxy voting.
Prior to abstaining from voting on an item, a member shall state the reason for such abstention that is agreeable to the Board.
All actions of the Board shall be archived as a permanent official record of the Board action and shall be available for public review.
Methods of Operation
The Board of Education shall act as a legislative and appraisal body, looking to the Superintendent of Schools for recommendations on all matters coming before the Board and delegating executive functions to the Superintendent of Schools and her/his staff. The Board shall concern itself with broad questions of educational policy, and not with administrative details. The Board shall act as a committee of the whole, and individual members shall make no commitments for the Board, except when executing an assignment made by the Board.
Committees of the Board of Education
Standing Committees: There shall be four standing committees of the Board.
Educational Policy Committee
Finance Committee
Buildings and Ground Committee
Superintendent Support and Evaluation Committee
Annually, the Chairperson of the Board, after consulting with the Superintendent, shall appoint at least two Board members to each committee. The standing committees shall receive and research matters referred by the Board or the administration and formulate recommendations for consideration by the full Board. The Superintendent, ex officio, shall serve as an advisor to each of the standing committees and may appoint staff members and administrators to serve as advisory members to any of these committees.
Ad Hoc & Advisory Committees
Annually, the Chairperson of the Board, after consultation with the Superintendent, shall appoint Board members to serve on special Ad Hoc Advisory Committees, which will be in operation during the school year. Once established, these committees shall report back to the Board on a regular basis.
Special Committees
With the agreement of the Board, the Chairperson may establish special committees to research specific educational issues and report back to the full Board. Such committees may advise the Board, but may not determine policy and shall be discharged upon completion of their specific assignment.
Revision of the Bylaws of the Board of Education
The Bylaws of the Board of Education may be amended by vote of the Board at any legally called meeting of the Board.
Adopted: October 11, 1976
Revised: November 15, 1976
Revised: February 13, 1978
Revised: December 11, 1978
Revised: December 10, 1979
Revised: June 9, 1980
Revised: June 8, 1987
Revised: April 11, 1994
Revised: June 9, 2014
Revised: June 10, 2023
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