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Policy DD
The Board encourages the Superintendent/designees to pursue federal, state, foundation, corporate and other grants for the support of the schools and the enhancement of educational opportunities. The Superintendent is expected to be alert to potential sources of grant funding and to make recommendations for Board action. All grant applications or proposals must be approved by the Board prior to submission to the funding agency.
It is the policy of the Board to comply with all Federal and State requirements that may be a condition of receipt of grant funds.
When a grant application or proposal is presented to the Board for its approval, the Superintendent/designee will advise the Board as to whether additional staff will be needed to support the implementation of the grant and to maintain records that may be required by the granting entity; the availability of resources if matching funds are required; whether additional resources will be needed for continuation of the program when the grant expires; and measures that will be used to evaluate whether the objectives of the grant are being achieved.
Grant applications and proposals that apply to individual schools must be submitted to the building principal, who will make a recommendation to the Superintendent. The Superintendent may present the grant application or proposal to the Board for its approval.
All grant funds received will be deposited into District accounts. Applicable Federal and State regulations, Board policies and school unit administrative procedures regarding purchasing, contracting, expenditures, and accounting will be followed in the administration and monitoring of grant funds. Staff positions created through grant funding will be filled pursuant to Board policy.
The Superintendent/designee may establish additional procedures for grant applicants, coordination of grant proposals, and for oversight and administration of grants received.
The Superintendent/designee will keep accurate records of all grant expenditures and will report annually on all grants received.
Teacher Classroom Grants (“mini-grants”)
Individual teachers may investigate eligibility requirements for foundation, corporate, and other grants that will benefit a single classroom. The building principal is authorized to approve applications/proposals for such “mini-grants” as long as they do not exceed $4000, require matching or non-budgeted funds, or impose a continuing obligation.
All mini-grants/classroom grant funds will be deposited into District accounts.
Awards of mini-grants/classroom grants will be reported to the building principal, who will inform the Superintendent. The Superintendent will report such awards to the Board.
Cross Reference: KCD - Public Gifts/Donations to the Schools
Adopted: June 11, 2001
Revised Date: February 12, 2024
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