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Policy KMB
Relations With Booster Organizations
The Board recognizes and appreciates the important contributions made by the special interest group identified as the All Sports Boosters Club.
The Board expresses support for the All Sports Boosters Club as the only outside fundraising organization for athletic programs.
The Board recognizes the All Sports Boosters Club’s freedom to spend the money it raises in programs approved by the Board.
Supporters of a sport not funded in the regular budget shall have the opportunity to raise necessary money through private fundraising efforts, coordinated through the All Sports Boosters Club following Board approval.
It shall be the purpose of such a group to work in the best interest of the schools, maintain good public relations, and direct energies and resources in support of the educational program.
It shall not be the purpose of such a group to establish, change, or dictate policies that fall within the authority of the Board.
Adopted: May 12, 1975
Revised: October 12, 1983
Revised: May, 2002
Revised: July 8, 2002
*Please excuse any formatting errors.