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Policy IKA-R
Grading System
The grading system should be used to reflect and communicate student progress toward the Maine Learning Results, which are the academic standards that provide a set of clear expectations as to what students should know, understand and be able to explain as they progress through each K-12 grade level.
Grades K-8
Content Mastery:
Student progress is rated on the skills, knowledge and understandings a student is expected to demonstrate in each content area by the end of the school year. These expectations align with Maine’s Learning Results, which are the framework for classroom instruction and assessment.
Content Mastery Key:
3.2 - 4.0 = Generates new ideas and applies knowledge to new topics; create, hypothesize, formulate
2.8 - 3.19 = Understands the connections between parts of the topic; analyze,
compare/contrast, explain the causes of
2.4 - 2.79 = Understands several parts of the topic; list, describe, combine
Below 2.4 = Little to no understanding of only one part of the topic
Habits of Work:
Habits of Work targets, including preparation for learning, engagement with learning, and interactions with peers and adults, are scored independent of content.
Habits of work targets are:
Preparation for Learning: Student regularly completes assignments and is prepared for class with all the necessary materials.
Engagement with Learning: Student uses time effectively, takes initiative, asks questions, and actively contributes to the class.
Interactions with Peers and Teachers: Student’s language and behavior is respectful of others and interacts regularly in a way that is contributing to a positive and productive learning environment for all.
Habits of Work Key:
3: Student demonstrates this skill consistently and independently
2: Student demonstrates this skill inconsistently and often need reminders
1: Student has not shown evidence of this skill
Grades 9-12
Content Mastery:
Student progress is rated on the skills, knowledge and understandings a student is expected to demonstrate in each content area, as specified by the course syllabus. These expectations align with Maine’s Learning Results, which are the framework for classroom instruction and assessment.
High school transcripts and numerical report cards will reflect numerical and letter grade values as follows:
A = 93-100 F = Below 70 is failing
B = 85-92 I = Incomplete
C = 77-84
D = 70-76 70 shall be a passing grade
Habits of Work:
Habits of Work targets will be assessed separately though they may be factored into the overall course grade. Habits of work targets are:
Preparation for Learning: Student regularly completes assignments and is prepared for class with all the necessary materials.
Engagement with Learning: Student uses time effectively, takes initiative, asks questions, and actively contributes to the class.
Interactions with Peers and Teachers: Student’s language and behavior is respectful of others and interacts regularly in a way that is contributing to a positive and productive learning environment for all.
Habits of Work Key:
M - Meets the target
P - Partially meets the target
I - Not meeting the target; Intervention needed
Reference: IKA-E
Revised: May, 2001
Revised: March 11, 2002
Revised: July 8, 2002
Revised: November 8, 2004
Revised: March 16, 2015
Revised: March 9, 2020
*Please excuse any formatting errors.