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Policy EBCF

Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s)

The Board recognizes that from time to time medical emergencies may arise that warrant  the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). The South Portland School  Department may acquire one or more AED’s for use by qualified personnel in its schools  and at athletic events hosted by its schools.  

The South Portland School Department may offer training to students on performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use of an AED in accordance with such rules as may be adopted by the Maine Department of Education, and may require training for those school unit personnel who have been identified by the Superintendent, in consultation with the school physician, as needing such training to effectively carry out their job responsibilities. 

The Superintendent shall be responsible for developing, in consultation with the school physician or other qualified expert and in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions, protocols for the use, storage, location, testing, and maintenance of the school unit’s AEDs and for identification of school personnel who should be trained in the use of an AED.

Although the Board authorizes the acquisition of AEDs, it cannot and does not guarantee that an AED or a person trained in its use will be available at any particular school site or school-sponsored event.

Legal Reference:  14 MRSA § 164

                                 20-A MRSA § 4009; 6304

                                 22 MRSA § 2150-C

                                 Maine Dept. of Educ. Rule Ch. 41

 Cross Reference:  EBCA – Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

                                 JLCE - First Aid and Emergency Medical Care

Adopted: October 12, 2005  

Revised: October 15, 2024

*Please excuse any formatting errors.