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Policy IGDJ

Co-Curricular Activities

The Board of Education believes that students will benefit from challenging and team based experiences made possible through participation in co-curricular activities.  The district values work ethic as well as academic achievement.  At the middle and high school levels, co-curricular activities shall include a variety of choices. Students shall be allowed to participate on the basis of their abilities, desire, and academic standing.  


Fifth through Eight Grade Students

The intent of the Middle School Co-Curricular Program is to increase participation across all activities.  

  • Fifth graders are eligible to participate in clubs  

  • Sixth graders are eligible to participate in clubs and some interscholastic athletics

  • Seventh and eighth graders are eligible for all activities

To be eligible to try out, practice or participate in co-curricular activities, middle schools students must obtain an average of 2.5 in each  of the three Habits of Work scores. Students  scoring below 2.5 in Habits of Work will be placed on co-curricular probation. During  the probation period, an intervention plan will be developed and implemented. The  student’s status will be reviewed every two weeks by the supervising staff member. If the student is  making progress towards improving their Habits of Work grade, he/she will be allowed to  continue to participate. Final decisions regarding student eligibility will be made by the  building administrator.  

Eligibility will not carry over from elementary school to middle school or middle school  to high school.  

Nine through Twelve Grade Students

To be eligible to try out, practice, participate, or compete in athletics and activities, a  student must have carried and attended a minimum of six full-time courses for credit in  the previous quarter, passed five of those courses, and must be carrying and attending six  full-time courses for credit in the current quarter. The principal may provide a waiver to the course load expectations. A student will be declared  eligible/ineligible upon publication of the quarterly eligibility list. A student who has  passed four courses during the fourth quarter may attend summer school to reinstate  eligibility provided the course failed was with a grade no lower than 60 and that the  summer course is in the same discipline as the course failed. A summer school grade of  70 or greater is required. Only one summer course will be permitted. 

Adopted: July 9, 1973  

Revised: May 10, 1976; April 11, 1977; May 11, 1981; April 14, 1986; July 11, 1988; August 14, 2000; July 8, 2002; May 14, 2007; April 23, 2012; June 11, 2012; October 15, 2014 

Revised June 12, 2023

*Please excuse any formatting errors.