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Policy JICJ
Student Use Of Electronic Devices
It is the belief of the South Portland School Department that integrating technology into the school day is an extremely important strategy used to prepare our students for 21st Century learning. It also is the belief that students learn best in classrooms free of unnecessary disruptions. Thus, the use of personal electronic devices during the school day will be a privilege for students and members of the staff. Devices that may interrupt the teacher and/or other students are not to be used at any time to disrupt or interrupt. Examples of such articles include but are not limited to the following: cellular telephones, mp3 players, camera devices and other electronic devices.
The following core principles and guidelines apply to the use of electronic devices:
The use of electronic devices will be used primarily to enhance the educational experience of all students and staff.
All electronic devices will be used in a respectful and appropriate manner as not to disrupt the academic and social mission of the South Portland School Department.
Electronic devices will not be used to interfere with student to student or student to staff interactions within the school day.
Electronic devices may not be used in any unethical or illegal manner.
Camera devices may not be used to photograph another person who has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Electronic devices may not be used in a way that would violate another person’s copyright.
Electronic devices may not be used to harass, intimidate, or bully another person or to invade another person’s privacy.
Camera devices may not be used in any locker room, restroom, or any other place where other people have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
When it has been established that a student has failed to follow the above stated guidelines, the school may take any or all of the following actions:
The teacher may give a warning to the student to put the electronic device in a locker, backpack/purse, or other secured location during the regular school day.
The teacher may confiscate the device and release it to the student at the end of the regular school day.
The principal or designee may confiscate the device and release it only to a parent/guardian. At the discretion of the principal or principal’s designee, the student may be prohibited from possessing a personal electronic device on school property or at any school-sponsored activity for such period of time as the principal or designee deems reasonable.
The student will be subject to disciplinary consequences up to and including expulsion. Where appropriate, police authorities may be contacted.
Adopted: February 14, 2005
Revised: August 24, 2009
*Please excuse any formatting errors.