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Policy IHBEA
Lau Plan: Program for Multilingual Learners
The Board recognizes the need to provide a program for students who are multilingual learners in order to assure these students of equal educational opportunity.
To that end, the Superintendent shall be responsible for developing and implementing a “Lau Plan” to meet the needs of students who are multilingual learners, including procedures for identification, assessment, programming, monitoring or progress, exit/reclassification, follow-up, and parent notification. A Language Assessment Committee shall be appointed to assist in the coordination, oversight and periodic review of the program.
The School Board will have annual updates on the Lau Plan near the start of the academic year. The Superintendent, or their designee, will ensure that appropriate documentation is provided to the Maine Department of Education.
At the beginning of each school year, the South Portland School Department will notify parents of students identified for or participating in programs for multilingual learners about the instructional program and parent rights, as required by law. Parents will be regularly informed of their child’s progress. Whenever practicable, communications with parents will be in the language understood by the parents.
Legal Reference: 42 U.S.C. § 2000d (Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964) 20 U.S.C. § 6801 et seq.
Me. Dept. of Educ. Rule Ch. 127.02
Cross References: IHBEA - Exhibit: Lau Plan
Adopted: October, 1995
Adopted: October, 2013
Reclassified from IGBI to IHBEA and revised: Date March 13, 2023
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