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Policy IJJ-R1
Instructional Materials Selection And Adoption
To ensure consideration of the criteria for selection as identified in Board Policy IJJ Instructional and Library Media Materials Selection, the following process is established for the selection of Instructional Materials.
Consideration of changes to textbooks and classroom instructional materials should be made as part of a broader programmatic review process based on direction provided by the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. All textbooks, supplies, materials and equipment shall be judged in light of their contribution to the educational needs of the students.
The selection process will ensure clarity of purpose and expected results, agreement as to who makes the decision, a plan for accountability, evaluation and continuous improvement, an assessment of the capacity to make the change, and the early involvement of stakeholders.
The following questions will be addressed in a formal written recommendation for new textbooks or classroom instructional materials:
What is the problem that needs to be solved?
What is the compelling reason for change?
What data support a change?
What research supports a change?
How and by whom will the decision be made regarding whether or not to recommend a change in instructional materials?
What is the proposed solution?
What are the anticipated results of this change?
How will we evaluate the success of the change?
How will we know whether the change produces the anticipated results?
Who will be accountable for evaluating the change?
Do we have the capacity to make the change?
What will the cost of the change be, at its implementation and in the long term?
What impact will the change have on school personnel?
Who are the stakeholders in this change? How are they involved in this process?
Stakeholders are those who are responsible for the final recommendation or are likely to be affected by the outcome of the recommendation.
Adopted: May 5, 2006
Revised: January 10, 2022
*Please excuse any formatting errors.