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Policy CBI

Evaluation Of The Superintendent Of Schools

  1. The Board will evaluate the performance of the Superintendent as a regular and scheduled activity.  The purpose of this evaluation process is to: 

    • Promote professional excellence  

    • Identify areas of job performance  

    • Assess the Superintendent’s level of achievement in those areas  

    • Provide a basis for improvement in the performance of duties and responsibilities 

    • Establish a context within which to make effective personnel decisions  

  1. Process 

    • The Superintendent of schools shall be evaluated annually by the Board of Education. The  evaluation shall be based on the Superintendent’s effectiveness in carrying out the responsibilities  delineated in his/her job description and on the progress made in achieving the goals cooperatively  developed with the Board of Education. 

    • Evaluation of the Superintendent should be at a scheduled meeting of the Board of Education in  executive session. The evaluation should be a composite of the individual Board member’s  opinions.  

    • Both parties should prepare for the evaluation—the Superintendent by conducting a self-evaluation,  and the Board of Education by examining various sources of information relating to the  Superintendent’s performance. The Board’s evaluation should be supported by specific examples of  the Superintendent’s conduct/performance, and should represent the perspective of the majority of  the Board.  

    • After a discussion with the Superintendent and completion of the evaluation process, the Board  Chair shall prepare a final written evaluation of the Superintendent’s performance for the previous  school year. A copy of this summary report shall be signed by the Board Chair on behalf of the  Board. Signed copies of the form shall be distributed as follows:

      1. Copy placed in the Superintendent’s personnel file  

      2. Copy given to the Superintendent  

  1. Mid-Year Assessment: 

At the request of the Superintendent or the Board of Education, a mid-year assessment may take  place. An executive session will be called by the Chair.  

  1. Areas of Evaluation: 

The Board of Education will use the following standards to set goals and to evaluate the  Superintendent. 

The Superintendent is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by:  

  • Standard 1. Mission, Vision, and Core Values

  • Standard 2. Ethics and Professional Norms

  • Standard 3. Equity and Cultural Responsiveness

  • Standard 4. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

  • Standard 5. Community of Care and Support for Students

  • Standard 6. Professional Capacity of School Personnel

  • Standard 7. Professional Community for Teachers and Staff

  • Standard 8. Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community 

  • Standard 9. Operations and Management

  • Standard 10. School Improvement

The full description of these standards can be viewed within the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL).

  1. Evaluation Format 

The format of the evaluation will be developed by the Board of Education and shared with the  Superintendent.  

  1. Goal-setting 

Using the evaluation of performance for a given year and new priorities established by the Board of  Education, the Board and the Superintendent will cooperatively develop clearly understood  performance goals for the ensuing year. Progress toward these goals will be included as part of the  next Board of Education evaluation of the Superintendent.  

Cross Reference: Superintendent’s Job Description  


Adopted: July 11, 1988  

Revised: July 8, 1991  

Revised: 2001  

Revised: May 14, 2001  

Revised: May 10, 2010  

Revised: April 8, 2024

*Please excuse any formatting errors.