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Policy EBBA

First Aid, Emergency And Accident Care

  1. Protocol: 

    1. The South Portland School Health Services Personnel shall follow guidelines delineated the DOE Guidelines for Acute and Emergency Care and the Emergency Guidelines for Maine Schools Manual 

    2. Manner In Which The Policy Will Be Enacted: 

      1. Minor injuries may be managed by the school principal or his / her designee  utilizing the accepted procedures with notification of appropriate nurse.  

      2. Treatment of serious injuries should be given by licensed medical personnel  whenever available, i.e. physician, nurse, EMT.  

      3. Accident reports will be completed by the principal or his / her designee. Copies  will be distributed to the student’s file, school nurse, and Superintendent’s office.  

  2. Notice of Injury: 

    1. Parents / guardians will be notified by the principal or his / her designee. Copies will be  distributed to the student’s file, school nurse and Superintendent’s office.  

  3. Guidelines / Forms: 

    1. Guidelines for care are found on the district website, and the Maine Department of Education website

      1. In the event of serious accident, the building administrator shall immediately notify the home, the appropriate school nurse and the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. The administrator shall complete the necessary accident report form and submit it to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.  

      2. Emergency information for each student will be readily accessible and will  include the following:  

        1. Name, home address, and business address of parent or guardian.  

        2. Telephone number (home and business)-(be alert for unlisted numbers).  

        3. Name, address, and telephone number of the person responsible for the student if parent or guardian is not available.  

        4. Confidential Health Listing identifying known conditions which may  affect the child’s health while at school.  

        5. Authorization for school to take the most prudent action in any extreme  emergency. If neither a parent nor a person designated by the parent is  available and if hospital attention is required, a teacher or the principal  shall accompany the student to the hospital.   

  4. First Aid Directions to be followed:  

    1. Recommended Procedures for Emergency Care, as jointly published by  the State Department of Education, the State Department of Human  Services and the Maine Association of Physical Education and Recreation,  have been amended and approved by the School Physician. A poster size  chart will be posted in each school. 

    2.  Emergency Recommendations: First Aid, as developed by the Health  Services Department have been approved by the School Physician. Copies  will be available in each school and distributed to each staff member.

    3. Guidelines for Handling Body Fluids in Schools should be followed to  minimize transmission of communicable disease.  

Date reviewed and adopted: January 13, 2025

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