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Policy JICK-E2
Bullying Investigation Form
Date the alleged incident was reported: ____________
Name of person investigating alleged incident(s): _________________________________
Position/title of investigator: __________________________________________________
Name of complainant/person reporting bullying incident(s): _________________________
Complainant/reporter is (circle one): Student Parent School employee
Coach/advisor Volunteer Other _____________
Name(s) of alleged target(s): __________________________________________________
Name(s) of alleged bully(ies): _________________________________________________
Name(s) of potential witnesses: ________________________________________________
Did the alleged incident(s) occur (check one or more):
_____ on school property (including a school bus)
_____ at a school sponsored activity
_____ through use of technology
_____ elsewhere
Time and location(s) of incident(s): _____________________________________________
Does the targeted student have an IEP? _____Yes ____No (If yes, refer to plan)
Does the targeted student have a 504 plan? ___Yes ___No (If yes, refer to plan)
Is the targeted student in the referral process for either? ___Yes ___No
(If yes, specify)__________________________________
If the targeted student receives special services, when were the Special Services Director and/or 504
Coordinator notified of the incident: ____________________________________________
Person notified:_________________________________ Date:__________________
Does the alleged bully have an IEP? ___Yes ___No (If yes, refer to plan)
Does the alleged bully have a 504 plan? ___Yes ___No (If yes, refer to plan)
Is the alleged bully in the referral process for either? ___Yes ___No
(If yes, specify)______________________________________________________________
If the alleged bully receives special services, when were the Special Services Director and/or 504 Coordinator notified of the incident:
Person notified:___________________________ Date:____________________
*Please excuse any formatting errors.