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Policy JEAA

Student Attendance/Student Absences And Tardiness

Regular school attendance is essential to academic success. Because the process of  education depends upon exposure to subject matter, continuity of instruction and class  participation, absence from class is detrimental to student learning. The interaction of  students with the teacher and with other students contributes to mastery of content,  critical thinking, and development of effective communication and social skills. 

  1. Responsibility for maintaining student attendance is a shared responsibility. 

  • Except for excused absences, students are expected to attend school every day,  arrive at school and to each class on time, and remain in school for the full day. 

  • Parents/guardians are expected to ensure that their children arrive at school each  day on time, remain in school for the full day, and attend school consistently  throughout the year. 

  • Schools will maintain a comprehensive attendance record for each student. School  staff are expected to monitor attendance and communicate with parents/guardians  and students regarding attendance and tardiness. 

  1. The Superintendent, in consultation with school administrators and, as appropriate, other  school unit staff, shall be responsible for developing rules and procedures related to  student attendance. Such rules and procedures will include provisions for: 

  • Disciplinary consequences for unexcused absences, tardiness, early departures and  absences from classes; 

  • The potential academic consequences of excessive absenteeism; and 

  • The making up of tests, quizzes and other work missed during excused and  unexcused absences. 

  1. The Board’s policy and the schools’ attendance rules and procedures will be  communicated to students, parents/guardians, administrators and staff by means of  student and staff handbooks, student and parent/guardians orientations and/or other  means as deemed effective and appropriate. The potential disciplinary consequences for  unexcused absences from school or class and for unexcused tardiness and early  departures will be included in the student code of conduct.

Cross Reference: JEA – Compulsory Attendance JEDA - Truancy 

 JFC – Dropout Prevention Committee   

Adopted: January 10, 2022

*Please excuse any formatting errors.