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Policy BBAB

Student Representation To The Board Of Education

The Board of Education endorses the concept of student access to the district decision-making  process, to provide advice and opinions on matters of common interest, and to enhance  communication and sense of community within the South Portland Schools.  

To create the environment for interaction among and between student representatives, the Board  of Education members and district administration, the Board of Education will provide  opportunities for participation in the meetings of the Board and its subcommittees.  

Two students will be recognized by the Board as non-voting representatives, although their vote  by a show of hands is encouraged and documented in formal minutes on each action item at the  Board meetings, they are invited to participate as voting members on standing committees, as  appointed by the Board Chair.  

Two students will be elected in May and will serve a one-year term. The nominations will be  forwarded through the Principal to the Superintendent for submission to the Board of Education  for approval.  

  Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA §§ 254, 1001(1A)  

Adopted: October 10, 2007  

Revised: November 9, 2015